Skills Learned in Fashion Journalism

I am currently a second-year fashion merchandising major at SUNY Oneonta. In the future, I hope to work in the fashion industry and after taking fashion journalism I am prepared and have learned many skills that will make me an excellent employee in this field. One of my skills is technology. I was able to quickly adapt to new technology during this course. I have learned how to use WordPress to create this portfolio which will help me to apply for jobs someday. I have also learned many tools in Microsoft presentation. I have used Microsoft presentation to create a shopping page for a magazine which could be a skill that I will use in my career someday. I also found various photoshop apps to complete the shopping page assignment. Whether I become a fashion journalist creating shopping pages for a real magazine or doing something else in the fashion industry, I will have the tools needed to present ideas in a creative and organized PowerPoint. 


While taking this course I obtained the skill of critical thinking when doing various assignments. One of them being a fashion news article. While doing this assignment I learned the importance of critical thinking by having good time management, which made me able to do satisfactory work while multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment. I had a short deadline to complete this assignment as I would if I were writing a real news article for a magazine. I was able to complete every aspect of this assignment as a real professional in the fashion industry would, while using critical thinking skills to come up with ideas for the article. When writing my article, I was able to put my personal opinions aside and find positive things to say about my topic.  

Lastly, another skill I obtained while in this fashion journalism course that will prepare me for my career in the fashion industry is communication. When in class I learned how to be an active listener which is key to being good at communication. I make eye contact with the speaker, take well-written organized notes, and ask questions when I need more guidance on a topic. An example of a time I used my communication skills was when a peer posted a styling shoot to our class magazine, and her photos didn’t appear. Using effective communication skills, I reached out to her to let her know. The student was able to fix her assignment before the due date and make sure her photos were seen. She was very thankful I communicated this to her in a kind and helpful way. This experience also taught me that I have exceptional teamwork skills. I was able to effectively manage conflict with a peer and in doing so I was able to build a strong positive work relationship. I am confident that with all these skills that I have obtained, I am well prepared to take on a job in the fashion industry and perform to my fullest potential.

Skills Learned Outside of the Classroom

I have worked in retail which has also prepared me to work in the fashion industry. One of my favorite jobs was working for a boutique. At the boutique, I would organize the backstock of our products, put products on the shelves, and make beautiful displays. I was wonderful at this and was often praised for how clean and creative my displays looked. This job also taught me great communication skills. I was often communicating with customers and helping them decide on a purchase. Some of my customers knew my name and would come back and seek my help in finding a product. I was also often communicating with my boss about what she needed to be done for the day. This job also led me to become very skilled at retail math. Lastly, I have learned wonderful teamwork skills from my many years of dance training on competitive teams. In many ways, my dance training also trained me for my professional career by making me a creative, inclusive person who is up for any challenge.